I was asked to prepare supplies to make holiday cards for our troops. The requirements were specific. The organization that collects and mails the cards asked that the cards be made on plain 8-1/2″ x 11″ copy paper folded into quarters. About ninety youth from our church assembled to make and write sentiments inside more than 1,000 cards. This posed an… Read more »
I finished the invitations for the upcoming birthday bash in honor of my dad and his twin brother’s 75th birthday. It really is quite challenging to combine creativity with age-appropriateness. Birthday party invitations usually call for balloons and confetti and fun stuff like that. However, those things really didn’t seem to fit. This is what I came up with. It… Read more »
I am happy to report that I am putting the past two weeks behind me. My husband is doing well! Thanks again for all of your emails of well-wishes. I am back working on a couple of upcoming projects. The first is creating an invite for a 75th birthday party for twin brothers. My dad and his twin brother will… Read more »
Life has smacked me in the head again. This time, my husband has had some complications from his chemo treatments and has been in the hospital for a few days. He will be in there for a few more. T It drives me crazy being in the hospital! (Aside from the obvious reasons.) As I sit there in a chair… Read more »
I’m finally back from move-in day at college. Here is a quick look at the banner. You don’t need to decorate a college dorm room to make one; any blank wall will do! Check back tomorrow for the tutorial. Unexpected surprise: it doubles as a headboard. Who knew?!