Author Archives: charlene harreveld
This moment … Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris spoke to finish the memorial service for her father.Standing on stage and choking back tears, Paris said that since the day she was born, her dad was great.“I just want to say, ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. I just want to say I… Read more »
Say, Say, Say What You Want…
…but not in this case. Here is my opinion on the situation, not that you care, and not that you even asked, but I’m sure this will soon be a topic of conversation… I’m sure we will soon be hearing, “People are dying in Iraq, and all we can talk about is Michael Jackson.” I was wondering if I would… Read more »
As A Die-Hard Wearer of Lipstick…
I always have to decide …should I or shouldn’t I????? Is it worth it??? Do I dare put up with getting all of the kernels stuck in my teeth and getting lipstick all over myself??? Or should I keep denying myself again and again???? Should I participate in the lovely summer tradition of biting into a delectable piece of corn-on-the-cob… Read more »