75th Birthday Party for Twin Brothers

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I am happy to report that I am putting the past two weeks behind me.  My husband is doing well!  Thanks again for all of your emails of well-wishes.

I am back working on a couple of upcoming projects.  The first is creating an invite for a 75th birthday party for twin brothers.  My dad and his twin brother will be celebrating their 75th birthday next month. 

Here is a sneak-peek of what I am going to use as the cover for the invitation.  Who doesn’t love a chubby, smiling, baby?  And two chubby, smiling babies are even better, right?  Add some cute, old-fashioned, lace-up baby shoes to the mix, and you know these two must have grown up to be a charming pair…(oh, the stories they tell of their childhood shenanigans!)

Please share any ideas you have for games, decorations, and gift ideas!  The worldwide web has a plethora of ideas for kids’ parties, but for a party for 75 year-old twin brothers, well….

My dad is on the left, and his twin brother, Tom, is on the right.  I think.

Another Curve-Ball

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Life has smacked me in the head again.  This time, my husband has had some complications from his chemo treatments and has been in the hospital for a few days.  He will be in there for a few more.  T

It drives me crazy being in the hospital!  (Aside from the obvious reasons.)  As I sit there in a chair next to him for hours on end (I wouldn’t have it any other way) I so wish that I had a supply of colored white-board markers.  I want to decorate that stupid ugly nurses’ information board.  It is so white and bland.  I could really go to town.

I want to hang beautifully handmade decorations on the gross, white walls.  And I want to hang fun swirly things from the ceiling.

While he was in ICU over the weekend, his room had one ceiling tile above his bed that had a hand-painted outdoor scene on it.  That made me even more crazy, because I wanted to break out my stamps and ink and decorate them all.


Dorm Room Decoration: The Finished Product

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I’m finally back from move-in day at college.  Here is a quick look at the banner.  You don’t need to decorate a college dorm room to make one; any blank wall will do!  Check back tomorrow for the tutorial. 

Unexpected surprise:  it doubles as a headboard.  Who knew?!

Dorm Room Decoration: Make a Fun Banner

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I’m taking a few days off from blogging because I want to spend every second playing with my girls!  I’ll definitely post photos next week of move-in-day and the dorm decorating fun!

In the meantime, here is the finished project that I blogged about yesterday. 

When you make your banner, choose lots of coordinating colors and then have-at-it when you decorate!  I used pearls, rhinestones, ribbons, and stamp sets that coordinated with the patterns in the comforter.

This was my inspiration:



I also added a little tiny note for her to glance at every now and then.  🙂

(If I get a chance, I will post the supplies and tutorial over the weekend.  If not, I will be sure to post as soon as I return from dropping her off; that is if my tears don’t get in the way.)

Inspiration for Decorating a Dorm Room

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By this time next week, Adrienne will have moved in to her dorm room and I will have spent the night with her in her room.  (Shhh…don’t tell anyone!  She has a single room, so I won’t be disturbing anyone.  Plus, we HAVE to re-create that fabulous scene from Gilmore Girls.  You know the one I mean!)

I am trying to fit in as much fun time with both of my girls before she heads off on her new adventure.  In-between the last minute shopping trips and all of the goodbyes, I have been working on some dorm-room décor for her.

This is her bedding:

I’m getting my inspiration from the colors in her pillow sham.  They just happen to match Stampin’ Up’s new In Colors that were released in July.  Isn’t that sooo fabulous????  I need to order the matching ribbon asap!  Oh, how my mind is racing!!!!  These color combos are so unexpected and yet so stunning.

Here are the matching cardstock colors.  Can you believe how well they match?  It’s almost as if the peeps at Stampin’ Up! and the peeps at Macy’s got together and decided to create a dream come true!  🙂  Cardstock can be found HERE.

I’ll post the finished project tomorrow, along with the template, too.  Stay tuned!