Category Archives: LIfestyle
National Honor Society

Adrienne was inducted into The National Honor Society today. It was a nice ceremony: short, sweet, and to the point. Sophia and Adrienne (BFFs and Junior Class co-Presidents) Adrienne, Sophia and Garrett**okay, here is something that is randomly ironic. see that little girl in the background of this photo? the one with the ponytail? she just so happens to be… Read more »
Erica’s Birthday Balloons

Erica’s school has an ongoing fundraiser where students and parents can purchase balloons for birthdays. It’s a good thing we had already planned on picking up Erica at school today. I don’t think Miss Millie would have been too happy if Erica tried to take these home on the bus. They barely fit in the trunk of Neil’s car! Lucky… Read more »
Fall Clipboard Home Decor
I wanted to create a nice home decor item that could extend beyond Halloween. Making altered clipboards is so very addicting! This project is very easy and you can even have your kids help you or make their own. Use a plate stand to display so all can enjoy!
I’m Not Getting Old, I’m Just Getting More Experienced
This weekend:1) Adrienne gets inducted into The National Honor Society (how can that be? my induction ceremony was just yesterday…I wore my red dress and my grey shoes…the school colors, of course) 2) Erica turns FOUR TEEN. Impossible!