I have been feeling yucky for about two weeks now. My mom read in the paper today about a guy who died…he had H1N1 but was misdiagnosed. She convinced me to go to urgent care. I’m glad I did. I explained to them that my daughter has a sinus infection and that I feel like I probably have one, too…. Read more »
Hmmm….what else can I say? Doesn’t the title of this post say it all? Been wide awake since 2 am. That’s usually when I am just going to bed. One word for all of this…menopause. YUK.
Finally!!!!! www.ewillow.com Start building your storefront NOW!!!! Shopping will commence in about two weeks.
“Good Omen” –noun1.anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend a good event or circumstance in the future Neil just passed this sign in Syracuse, New York. P.S. The site goes “live” on Friday. I haven’t slept or eaten a decent meal in days.
Frizz FactorHumidity is at81%Frizz Emergency (courtesy of The Palm Beach Post)