This was me last week: This is me today: So, what is the blessing and what is the miracle? I always dread being sick (who doesn’t?) but it is always stressful for me to be sick AND to have a messy house simultaneously. Today I am grateful to be sick in bed and HAVE a clean house. It it so… Read more »
Here is what REALLY goes on when we take our annual Christmas photo.
Some dear friends sent this quote along with their condolences over the death of Neil’s brother:“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. For you see, in the end it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway.”Those words are my Christmas gift to all of you…if you are searching for true peace in… Read more »
Here is a HAPPY HEADLINE I found in the news today: A toddler lost in the Virginia woods was back home safe Sunday thanks to two puppies who kept him warm through a harrowing night of freezing temperatures. Read more HERE. Everyone could use a puppy every now and then to keep them warm and cheer them up.
December 15, 2008Arrest in fatal beatingMurder charge laid in man’s death downtownBy SHANNON VANRAES, SUN MEDIAWINNIPEG — An arrest has been made in the fatal beating of a 45-year-old man at a downtown Manitoba Housing complex Saturday morning.Ivan Malachi Anderson, 27, has been charged with second-degree murder in the death of Mark Arnold Harreveld. Police were called about 8:25 a.m…. Read more »