Secret to a Happy Life I saw this graphic on Facebook today, and the first three sentences are perfect if you want to know the secret to a happy life. Don’t sit on the couch and wait for it. Go out. Make a change. I’ve done these three things a few times in my life and I’ve seen the fruits… Read more »
Jolly Green Giant Doll When I was little, I was so excited to save the can wrappers from our Green Giant vegetables so that I could mail away for a Jolly Green Giant Doll. The Jolly Green Giant was a pretty popular dude in the mid-70’s. I saved the labels and got the doll in the mail! Yippee! I loved… Read more »
Confident Girls I’ve raised two confident daughters. That’s not to say they don’t have moments of doubt. We all do. But when it comes to the basic things in life they pretty much know how to manuever their way through difficult situations and they know who they are. So do their friends. On the eve of the Gilmore Girls reunion, I… Read more »
NABLOPOMO National Blog Posting Month, or NABLOPOMO as it is more commonly known to bloggers, is over halfway done. I have to admit that I’m pretty proud of myself for taking the NABLOPOMO pledge to blog every day during the month of November and for sticking to that pledge. It’s been easier than I thought. Maybe that’s because I’ve had so many… Read more »
Surgeon General’s Addiction Report I recently read the Surgeon General’s addiction report. Guess what? Addiction is a bigger health problem than cancer. Almost twenty-one million people have a substance abuse addiction. That’s not counting the hundreds of thousands of people who are addicted to shopping, gambling, pornography, online gaming, or food. It’s a lot of people, folks. Yet addiction and addiction treatment… Read more »