I put all of my green scraps to good use and made this home decoration to display during the month of March. St. Patrick’s Day is a difficult one for me to create for. I think it might be because green is a really difficult color for me to work with. Get ready to see several more things made with… Read more »
Erica and I went to the mall today. I hate going to the mall. (I know, I am as shocked as you are.) There is something in the air there that gives me a terrible headache. I call it my “mall headache.” I get the same feeling every time I go. Along with the headaches, I experience a very noticeable shortness-of-breath… Read more »
Download the PDF template (dollhouse.pdf) I absolutely love dolls and dollhouses. I was so excited to find a tutorial on THIS BLOG that showed how to make a small fabric dollhouse. I adapted the pattern to make it work for a house made out of paper. I am pretty happy with the results! I’m not finished yet…now I have to make… Read more »
Click HERE to enter. (You don’t have to worry about the Twitter thing, but I would love if you could link to the giveaway in a blog post on your blog.) Good Luck!
A friend of mine gave me these plastic tubes. Here is the before picture. Pretty boring, huh? Here is what I came up with. Pretty simple. I made it in less than five minutes! Think “Message in a Bottle.” You can use it as a tube to send love notes back and forth! Another use would be to store kids’… Read more »