Category Archives: LIfestyle
I Am Totally Addicted to This New Project!
Click HERE! I am going to make lots and lots of these!!!!!
Mission: Possible!
My very good friend Beth White has served as the PTO President for our local middle school for the past three years. During that time, she has asked me to create several thank-you gift items to give to the local business partners and volunteers who have so graciously donated their time and money to the school. This year, Beth wanted… Read more »
Bassoon Girl

It is next to impossible to get Erica to look at the camera. Here are some lovely profile shots of her at her final seventh grade band concert last week. Here are all the first place awards the band won at the competition they participated in in Atlanta in April. Very hard for me to comprehend that on Wednesday afternoon… Read more »
Odds and Ends
** Adrienne and her friend Sophia were elected as next year’s junior class co-presidents. ** Erica had a solo bassoon part with the orchestra at school. ** My 47 year-old confirmed bachelor brother is getting married, which means I will finally have a sister. I have been asking for a baby sister since I was nine years old. I guess… Read more »