Finding Inspiration for Creativity

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I found an adorable Valentine’s Day gift-box at the local craft store.  I fell in love with it; I especially love the folds on the sides and the handbag style on the top. I bought it, brought it home, took it apart, traced it onto a piece of cardstock, and viola!  I turned it into a creation of my own!  I wanted to give it a purpose other than a gift box.  I covered the inside with decorative paper, created some pockets, and filled the pockets with note cards, envelopes, and gift tags! This makes a wonderful hostess or teacher gift!


Sixth Photo In the Sixth Folder

Say that ten times fast! This is the sixth photo in my sixth folder, another lovely “tag, you’re it!” blog game.
It’s Adrienne enjoying her 14th birthday at Blowing Rocks beach. For all of you non-Floridians, this was in the lovely month of January. (2007) I don’t know what her pose is all about. Knowing Adrienne, I think she may have been trying to bleach her teeth in the sun or something. I know it had to be some type of experiment about something she researched on Google.

Thirty-One Years Ago Today…

…was the absolute WORST day of my life!!!!!!
I was thirteen years old, in seventh grade, and woke up on May 9th to read a HORRIBLE (to me!) bit of news in the paper!!! (Remember, this was back in the day when we actually had to wait to read the newspaper to find out what was going on in the world!)
My life was OVER!!!!!
You know that song by Barry Manilow, “Can’t Smile Without You”? Well, I would listen to it over and over and over again and CRY like crazy!
I remember I also started crying in the girls locker room at school!
My dreams were shattered! My life was over!
What in the world am I talking about???
Take a guess!!!!
The first person to correctly guess what made me sooooo sad because of what happened
thirty-one years ago today will win a big HUG from me!!

I Don’t Want to Grow Up

Growing pains…I am feeling ’em! Why? Our baby drove on I-95 for the very first time tonight. (I was in the car with her.) She drove from our house all the way down to her school off of Okeechobee Blvd. at 6:15 pm. Traffic was moderate. She did great, but…yikes! For those of you who live in South Florida (or anywhere along the east coast of the United States) you know what I mean when I say she drove on I-95.

The growing pains I speak of are mine…teaching her to drive and letting her fly away is the most difficult thing to do. For those of you who have been through this agony, please give me some advice! I feel like I am being irresponsible if I allow her to get in a car and drive away by herself.

In Florida, you can obtain your permit when you turn 15 and you are eligible for your license when you turn 16. In our family, we decided that 16 is way too young! There are so many crazy drivers on the road!

I keep telling myself that I am serving her best interest by teaching her how to drive and then allowing her to drive off on her own. I just don’t know how to get through it! Help, please. Please, please, please.

How did you get through it? Did you feel irresponsible? I feel like nothing I am doing with my time is more important that I can’t take the time to drive my kids where they need to be. But I can’t chauffeur them around forever, right?