Down the Shore

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When we are in Florida we say, “Go to the beach.”
When we are in New Jersey we say, “Go down the shore.” (no “to,” just “go down the shore.”)

Cousin Patty and Me…notice our different wardrobes…70 degrees is very cold to me!

The salt air sends the hair into an instant state of frizz

Sam (Andrea’s very cute boyfriend,) Andrea, Patty, Adrienne, Erica

Jersey Girls

Our only mission was to have more yummy Jersey food.
Well, I guess I shouldn’t speak for everyone.

Life Imitating Art in South Jersey

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We arrived in NJ on Thursday with my mom and dad. Naturally, our first stop had to be at a diner for the fab food! While we were sitting there enjoying our scrumptious meals, you will NEVER guess what song started playing in the background! Suffice it to say, I expected to see Meadow come walking through the door any minute!

P.S. Only in South Jersey would poinsettia plants be used as decorations in June. P.S.S. I wanted to take photos of the interior of the diner, but with all of the mirrors and chandenliers, well, ya know…I didn’t want my new camera to break