This is one of those projects that I wish you could see in person…it is so cute and you’ll want to make a bunch of them right away!

This is one of those projects that I wish you could see in person…it is so cute and you’ll want to make a bunch of them right away!
Here is south Florida we are in the height of hurricane season. Word on the street is that schools might be closed tomorrow because there is a storm brewing. Whenever school is cancelled, I always wonder what parents do when they have to scramble to find stuff for their kids to do.
Here’s an idea! Get out your craft supplies and have your kids whip up some of these cute and easy note card boxes. They can fill them with little monogram note cards and give them to their friends and/or teachers for the holidays.
paper cutter with scoring blade
assorted cardstock and cardstock scraps
embellishments, ribbon, punches
For the Box:
1) Cut a piece of cardstock to 5″ x 11″
2) Score at 1 1/2″ across the length (the 5″ side)
3) Turn the cardstock and score at 1″, 4″, 6″, and 9″
4) Cut and assemble the box
For the notecards:
Cut pieces of cardstock 8 1/2″ x 2 7/8″ and decorate. The box holds approximately 8 to 10 cards.
Make a cute candy box for Halloween! The best part about this little gem is that the box “explodes” when you take off the lid. What a nice surprise!
Paper cutter with scoring blade
Decorative paper
Double-sided tape
For the lid:
Fold in the side of the box, put the lid on, and you’re done!
Wait! Don’t forget to fill the box with some yummy candy…that’s the best part, right?!
Monday evening around 5:30 pm Neil called to tell me he had just been in an accident. I could hear a lot of commotion in the background. A lady ran a red light and hit the front of his car. We spent three hours in the ER. Luckily, he escaped without any injuries. The car has about $10,000 worth of damage.
This afternoon I was back at the hospital. This time I was with Adrienne. She had a blood test to see if she has mono for the third time. We were having a fun conversation with the phlebotomist when all of a sudden Adrienne said she was seeing black. The next thing I know, I hear someone in the hallway yelling “Betty!” and in an instant the room was full of people. Turns out a tech gal walked by and noticed Adrienne’s eyes rolling. She yelled for the nurse. (Yup, “Nurse Betty.” How funny is that?) I thought she was having a seizure because her eyes rolled and she started shaking. Turns out she fainted. I have never seen anyone faint before (expect for Marie Osmond on Dancing w/the Stars.) She turned a grayish-white color. They laid (lay?) her on the floor and put some smelling salt under her nose. When she came to she looked like she had been hit by a truck. The armpits on her t-shirt were soaking wet.
She had no memory of the event, but guess what? She had a dream. In those couple of minutes of other-consciousness, she actually had a dream. Who knew? The body and the mind are such strange things, huh?
Things happen in threes, or so they say. We’ve had two things. Will there be a third? I really don’t want to find out.
Wait! I know! Maybe I’ll be diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Ya think?!
How has your week been?
It has only been a couple of weeks since I made this card, but I already forgot about it. A couple of days ago, my daughter received an invitation in the mail. She’s been invited to attend a Halloween sweet-sixteen birthday party for friends of hers who happen to be identical twins. I was re-arranging some clutter in my room today, and look at what I found! Not only is it a perfect card for Halloween, but it’s also a perfect card to give to identical twins.
The inside pocket is just the right size to hold two gift cards, one for each girl.
The rhinestones on the card above just so happen to coordinate with the birthday party invitation. Here is a little glimpse:
It doesn’t get much better than that!