Paper Bag Animal Puppets

My girls were lucky enough to attend BAK Middle School of the Arts. Tonight is going to be very sad for us because it will be our very last band concert. Adrienne attended the school for three years. When Adrienne moved on to high school, Erica began her middle school years at BAK, and now her three years are coming to an end next week.
No, this post isn’t about how Adrienne “lost” her car keys. (That will come later!) It’s a post about the series finale of the television show “Lost.”
I was reading a couple of online explanations about the show, and I think what some guy named Erik had to say HERE sums it up the best. (Spoiler Alert)
“EVERYTHING that happened on the island/off the island…seasons 1-6…truly happened! …The flash sideways from this season is the place between their afterlife. They did not die in the original 815 crash. They did not die from the jughead explosion. Whenever they died, they died. They weren’t all ‘waiting’ for others to die either. As Christian explained, there is no ‘here’. There is no ‘time’. It’s just happening. Some could have died 5 years earlier, some 50 years later. That doesn’t matter. It’s where they all meet when they did die. Like Hurley and Ben who protected the island. They died much later, but are in the same ‘time’ as everyone in the afterlife.
We all assumed they were meeting their Constants to mesh the two realities. But they were actually meeting their Constants in order to realize and ‘let go’ and move on. If they were ready. Some were ready, others weren’t. Penny was in the church also because Desmond was her Constant.
There are plenty of answers in all of Lost, it’s just not all spelled out for you. I feel completely satisfied by the show and the ending.
The island is in place to keep evil or ‘hell’ from unleashing upon earth. Jacob brought candidates for thousands of years to the island to replace him. Since MIB couldn’t kill them, he pitted them against each other…to kill themselves. Using the inherent ‘evil’ of man to destroy the chances of a candidate taking his place. So now the island survived..everyone dies when it is there time…and they move on. They find the happiest time in their lives as they were all ‘lost’ and troubled. Now they found love and joy and move on to the afterworld.
Erik, whoever you are, thanks for putting my exact thoughts into words. Phew.
My husband travels quite a bit with his job. Every once in awhile he has to attend conferences. We love when he returns home from a conference because he comes home with lots of goodies for us. He brings us promotional gadgets from different companies, like pens, notebooks, Band-Aids, combs, shoe polish, tooth brushes, etc.
A couple of months ago he brought home this lovely gem: a blank notebook complete with a pen. When I saw the blank cover, I couldn’t wait to haul out the Mod Podge and paper and go to town! I think this whole thing took me two minutes (literally) to make.
If you ever find yourself in this situation, just grab some scraps of decorative paper and have at it!