How would you and your blogging friends like to receive free set of handmade note cards in the mail every month? Or maybe some other type of really cute handmade gift? All you need to do is right-click on one of the blog buttons below, save it to your photos, and then post it to your blog’s sidebar! As the heading to the link, just write
“Click Here to Sell Your Handmade Cards & Scrapbooks. Don’t Make Your Own? Click Here to Buy Handmade Cards & Scrapbooks.”
(or something similar…as long as you get the point across that the purpose of is for people who make handmade cards and scrapbooks to have their own storefronts. People who don’t make handmade cards and scrapbooks but love, love, love such things can go to to buy them.)
After you add the button and the words, email me your name, mailing address, and blog address. I will put you on my mailing list. That’s all there is to it!
Oh…and tell all of your blogging friends to do the same! The more the merrier!
Thank you!
(use your favorite button)