Here’s my contribution for my neighborhood cookie exchange. It was SO MUCH MORE FUN than baking! I used the Scallop #2 Sizzix die and Stampin’ Up!’s super-duper, easy-to-use Circle Scissors Plus to cut the circles for the inlay. I added some ribbon and stapled the toppers to small cello bags.
I had to make six dozen of these, so I was happy that the candy was BOGO this week. It made the project that much sweeter!

Det är väl konstigt att man aldrig kan fÃ¥ bli Ã¥tminstone rÃ¥dfrÃ¥gad av väddrguearna 😉 här har vi inte sÃ¥nt snöfall ännu, har inte snöat inatt för jag sopade utanför altandörren igÃ¥r och det är bara lite som är nysnö eller nyblÃ¥st. Men det kan ju komma ändras under dagen. SÃ¥ du fÃ¥r ha en innedag och mysa och hoppas du slutar frysa – (ha där fick jag till det med rim ocksÃ¥ ;))MÃ¥ gott
who named their child based on a facebook poll; and we finally get into the discussion of the Angry Guy Window incident from November. A guest calls in and irritates Dave cause she can’t turn her radio down fast
I had that same thought- how we have switched places. Let’s get walkin’, girlie!@ Hanna: Thanks for visiting! You’re on the way to a wonderful, wonderful journey. Our older son was 3 1/2 when our twins were born. It was a perfect age gap. I wish you the very best! Feel free to keep in touch!