These Are Sooooo Extremely Delicious!

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(PB and J Graham Cracker Bars)

…and I’m sure, with their 17 grams of fat per bar, extremely bad for you, too, but I don’t care!

They have a mile-long list of ingredients on the side of the box with tons of un-pronounceable words, but once again, I don’t care!

If they have peanut butter in them, they must be good for you just a little bit, right?

I bought a box of these at Costco.  The first delight was when I opened the box.  Each bar is about the size of an ice-cream sandwich!

Then I bit into one in its frozen state and that was all I needed.  Really, let me just say again, 17 grams of fat and all, they are delicious.

When I Googled them for a photo, I discovered that the company that makes them is a food service company that provides foods to schools and vending machines. 
Oh, they are heavenly!  I need to try dunking one in some ice-cold milk.  I need to crumble one up and use it as a topping on some vanilla ice cream.  I need to dunk one in some hot chocolate.  I need to remember that I love my clothes and don’t want to buy new ones.  I need to remember that I have reached my mid-life point and thus my metabolism will soon be gone for good.  I need to go eat one of these right now! 
You should, too!