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Last night Neil and Erica hauled the last of the Christmas decorations down from the attic.  My plan is to go through everything a little bit each day.  I’m going to make one package for each girl and put their favorite ornaments in there for them to have when they get their own trees one day.  (Whew…it would have been much easier for me to just say, “I’m packing up decorations for them to have when they get married,” but that sounds too weird.)  Last year I found some really pretty decorations on clearance after Christmas so I plan on re-doing our tree decorations.  I’m pretty tired of the Disney stuff, anyway.  The girls will be excited and I won’t feel guilty about not using the same ornaments again.  I’m also going to put all of their handmade school decorations in a big Christmas basket.  It’s a way to display them without hanging them on the tree. 
I’m also planning on going all-out with my doll decorations this year.  In addition to the American Girl stuff that I do every year, I’m going to get the Madeline stuff out of storage.  I scored a brand-new Madeline doll (the small Barbie-sized one) at a consignment store today for six bucks…complete with a Christmas tree and a stocking.  I’m on a roll with my Christmas plans!  But we all know what they said about what happens when we plan things…
I just checked online to find a picture of the Madeline set that I bought today, and I see that it is selling for almost $100.  Hmmm….should I change  my plans and sell it?  With the $94 profit I could buy another American Girl doll.  What to do?