Adrian Monk Probably Has Hives Right Now…!

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I really wish that President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts could have rehearsed the oath so it could have been a little smoother!!!! Joe Biden’s fit into a nice little package, but Obama’s….aggghhhhh!!!!!! I feel your pain, Mr. Monk. I really do. I was waiting for one of them to say, “Wait, let’s start over!”

A Look Back…

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When I was in tenth-grade (exactly the same age and grade that Adrienne is now) I was in a speech competition. The topic was “What’s Right About America.” The limit was 100 words.
Of course I “fretted and sweated” over it…but then, suddenly, one day, my inspiration came!
I was sitting in physics class when our principal came over the loud-speaker to announce that the American hostages in Iran had been released. The date was January 20th (just like today!) and Ronald Reagan was being sworn in for the first time.
“I will always remember the feelings I had on January 20, 1981, the greatest day in recent American history. A new president was inaugurated, the fortieth and oldest to ever take the oath of office. More importantly, the release of the fifty-two American hostages from Iran had been accomplished.
Seeing their smiling faces and hearing the excitement in the voices of the news reporters gave me the true feeling of what it is like to be an American. It gives me great honor to have experienced such an important historical event.
The proud spirit that captivated our country that day will always be remembered. It was an unashamed emotion for all that our country is, all that it has been, and all that it can be. That is what’s right about America.”

I feel the same way today!!!! (and oh yeah, I won the competition!!!! I got a trophy and a $50 savings bond. woo hoo!!!)

Suggestions, Please!

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Erica needs some suggestions for some great books to read, besides the obvious Harry Potter, Twilight series, and Newberry Award books.
What else is there? I hate to admit it, but I think after Twilight it is going to be pretty difficult to find something! (For adults, too!)
She’s thirteen and in seventh grade. What is out there that we haven’t heard about???? Help!