Here are my top ten choices of possible titles for this post (puns and tongue-in-cheek intended!)
10) “Yes, the sole purpose of my blog IS to brag about my children! So what are you gonna do about it?”
9) “Adrienne, behold your future!”
8) “I now officially pass the celebrity photo-op torch to Adrienne”
7) “What did your kid do today? Here’s what mine did.”
6) “Adrienne, if there was ever a time to set aside your political opinions and be politically correct…the time is NOW!”
5) “Mom, I have nothing to wear!”
4) “Yes, Adrienne, you have permission to cut class today”
3) “Say “Cheese!””
2) “Instead of calling the movie “My Date with the President’s Daughter” Disney should rename it “My Daughter’s Date with the (Vice) President”
1) “No, you cannot wear your ‘Vote for Obama’ button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
What on earth am I talking about, you ask? Adrienne and my parents attended a political fundraiser today with the sole purpose of meeting and having their picture taken with President George W. Bush. Unfortunately, President Bush canceled his appearance so that he could stay in Washington to help with the major economic turmoil going on right now. (I could say so many nasty things right now, but I will take my own advice and be politically correct!)
Vice President Dick Cheney filled in for the President. So yes, my baby spent the afternoon chit-chatting with politicians and having her picture taken with the Vice President of the United States of America. President Bush called and apologized to the crowd on speaker phone for not being able to attend.
I don’t think life can get much cooler than that for a fifteen-year-old girl with a major interest in politics. As a matter of fact, regardless of what your political opinions are, I don’t think life can get much cooler than that…period. I’m sure Adrienne will look back on this day as one of the top ten best experiences of her life. (Unless, of course, she takes his place one day.) Thank you to Uncle Johnny for making it all happen!
The actual photo with the V.P. was taken by the official White House photographer so we don’t have it yet. In the meantime, here are some candid shots.
The event was held at a home in Jupiter. It just so happens that Sarah just started working as a nanny for the girls whose father owns the house. So Adrienne and Sarah got to hang out together. I remember many moons ago when Adrienne and Erica had there first sleep-over at Leah and Sarah’s. Now they are schmoozing with world leaders together! (Remember…light mood!)

You can rest assured knowing that being the obnoxiously braggy mom that I am, I will definitely post THE picture when we get it! I know you will all be holding your breath!!!