The girls and the neighborhood kids have been spending hours together outside PLAYING EVERY DAY! This has definitely been a summer for the memory book!
They spent lots of time in our pool. Here are Mark, Shannon, Adrienne, Tyler and Erica:

When they became bored with swimming every day, they created their own version of a slip and slide with a tarp, some dish soap, and water from the hose. Here are Emma, Erica, Adrienne, Amy, Mark, Austin, and Jack. Blake is the hose man:

The slip and slide destroyed a spot of grass on the neighbor’s front lawn, so the next day another neighbor let them borrow this wonderful inflatable slide. Mark is in the very back with Freddy, Hailey, Andrew, Jack, Shannon, Adrienne, Erica, Amy, Emma and Kate:

They spent a tiny bit of time in front of our television watching “Wipe Out” and laughing hysterically:

Then it was on to disco night in the garage: