This is a photo of my great-grandparents with all of their children. My grandfather is the tall boy in the front on the far left.
The reunion was held in the backyard of the house pictured above.
Reunion Preparations

I created a 4′ x 8′ family tree using small foam picture frames that I covered with designer paper. I placed angel stickers on the names of the deceased family members.
Cousins Sheree and Danielle organized the awards ceremony:
Even though it was extremely hot outside, we still had a great time dancing:
Some candid shots:

And now for the most important part of the day…
Here is the fourth generation on the same front porch (the great-grandchildren) I am in the white shirt second from the left next to the girl in the dark brown shirt. (Can anyone say “baby boom generation?!)
Here is the fifth generation (the great-great grandchildren):
And here is the sixth generation (the great-great-great grandchildren)
And this is how I felt at the end of a very successful and happy day:
And now for the most important part of the day…
Remember the picture at the beginning of this post? Here is the third generation of my great-grandparents (so the people in the picture below are the grandchildren of my great-grandparents) on the same front porch as that very first picture:
(my mom is in the red and white striped shirt)
That is so cool that it was held at the same house as the one in the picture! Looks like a lot of fun!