More than ten years ago, Kelly moved into our ward. She was hired by a family to be their personal live-in occupational therapist.
We became fast friends.
She was one of the few people I trusted (besides family) to babysit (our then very young) girls.
After about a year, she moved to Utah to persue her Master’s degree.
She met Jon and fell in love.
They were married in the Atlanta Temple ten years ago in April.
Our girls were flower girls in their wedding.
After they were married for a few months, they moved to southern California so Jon could attend orthodontics school.
We took a family vacation out to California to see them.
That was in August of 2001, right before the world changed.
Fast-forward to today…Jon is now an orthodontist. We got to see Kelly and Jon and THEIR FIVE PERFECT LITTLE GIRLS for the first time since then this past weekend. They travelled to Florida to take their family on the Disney Cruise.
Side note: When Jon and Kelly had their first baby, a girl, we sent her a “Bitty Baby.” Little did I know that I would end up having to send them FIVE Bitty Babies! We have a running joke that if they keep having girls, Neil and I will have to take out a second mortgage on our house to keep buying dolls!
Five perfect little girls! Always in matching outfits! I am so happy that Kelly is so happy! I want her to move back! I miss her tons!
Upcycled Makeup Remover Cloth Box Into a French Fry Box
I am constantly inspired by the things I see. A couple of weeks ago I was inspired by the packaging that was wrapped around the makeup-remover cloths I bought. I tore apart the cardboard, traced it, and made these cute little French-fry boxes.
I thought they would be cute Easter gift-card holders or maybe even the packaging for a surprise diamond ring. (Sorry. I had diamonds on the brain at the time. I was watching “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” while I was making them.)
I Heart Dolls
(“Shout Out” list, scroll down, listed one from the bottom under “Doll Patio Table” Paper Clips)
but nowhere near as fun!)
One Woman’s Trash…
is now my treasure!