Doctor, I Need My Head Examined

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You know you’ve lost your mind

when you walk into the examining room, spot these things, and immediately wish you would have brought your stamps, ink, scissors, and glue.

Yup.  That was me on Friday when I took my daughter to the doctor.  The nurse whipped out the paper examination gown and I instantly started thinking of all the different things I could do with it.

Maybe we need a Project Runway for the paper crafting set.

March 14th is Pi Day

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Did you know that?  The abbreviation for March 14th is 3.14, which also happens to be the value of pi.  So, why not celebrate the day by eating pie, right?

Here is your math lesson for today:  (maybe you already knew this, but I didn’t learn this until I took a class in grad school on how to teach math to elementary school kids.)  We know the value of pi is 3.14, but what does that mean?  Who cares?  Well, in case you didn’t know…pi is the amount of times that the radius of the circle fits around the circumference of the circle.  Imagine the radius as a piece of yarn.  If you were to place the yarn around the circle, you would need 3.14 pieces of yarn to cover the entire outside of the circle.  No matter how large or small the circle is, the distance around the circle is always 3.14 radii (or 3.14 pieces of yarn.)  Don’t you feel so smart?

That would be a cute science fair project for someone to do.  Prove that pi is the same for all cirlces…you could use a piece of yarn and try it out on all kinds of circles like dishes and ice cream bars and stuff.

Here is my question…how bored was the person who actually discovered pi?  Someone actually sat around and figured all this stuff out.  Geesh.  Guess he must have been a really fun date, huh?

I’d rather sit around and make paper things all day.

Did you know what pi actually meant?  Did you eat pie today?

We did.


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Finally, some good news!

I won a $20 gift certificate to the b’Cafe.  That’s the cute little restaurant inside Bloomingdales on the third floor.  Back in November I put my business card in a little fish bowl on their counter.  All these months later I received a letter saying that I won.  Yippee!!!!

Some even more exciting news… was accepted to be an affiliate with the network! 

A free lunch and a fun job make me happy.

But what makes me happy-happy are Neily Bear and our babies. 

Oh yeah, and Donny, too.  But you already knew that.

How to Make Your Creations “Pop”

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By Adding One Small Extra, Your Creation Can Go From Boring to Amazing

When I first created this card I was happy with it because I thought it had an understated elegance about it and that’s why I liked it. 

However, I couldn’t help but feel that something was missing.  I added a cute little butterfly and I’m glad I did.  I think the card went from being okay to being an eye-catcher.  I’m all for drama and bling!

Which one do you like better?