Please Pray for Baby Brody

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If you look down at my sidebar on my Blogroll, you will see a gal named “Tyan J.”

Tyan and I have never met. I was blog-hopping one day and I was astonished to see that she blogged about the exact same thing I did: birds in our backyards.

We have become blog friends across the miles. I am planning on meeting her the next time I go to Texas to visit Jed and Sharon.

Tyan and her cute husband just had their first baby.

I have learned through her Facebook status that little Brody stopped breathing last night and underwent surgery today. The surgery went well, but during recovery he stopped breathing again.

The latest update is that the doctors are still trying to determine what is wrong.

To see photos of this cute family, click HERE. Please remember them in your prayers.

My First Attempt at Digital Scrapbooking

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I realized that I needed to make a scrapbook to send to my mother-in-law in Canada for Christmas.  (How did December get here so quickly?)

Whenever we ship anything to Canada other than a card, the shipping always turns out to take forever.

Even though I am a fan of traditional scrapbooking (I love the embellishments, and I enjoy the warmth of actual photos instead of printed images) I knew in this case, since time was of the essence, I needed to make a digital scrapbook.

I was really surprised at how easy it was.  I used the pre-designed pages that are a part of Stampin’ Up’s “My Digital Studio.”  Once I got the hang of it, the process was a breeze!

Even though my first choice would have been to print the pages at home, add embellishments, and put the pages in a lovely scrapbook, in this case I chose to submit the project to an online printer that would not only be able to print the book, but also would be able to ship the book directly to Canada.  I did not have time for the book to be printed, shipped to me, and then turn around and have to ship it to her.

Here are a few sample pages.  The book is titled, “Through the Years,” which is why some of the photos are from five years ago.  It made me so sad to see how little my babies used to be!

(And yes, that really is Donny Osmond singing to me and my husband!  More details on that later!)

Yes, it was fun, but I still love the old-fashioned way!

You Are Gonna Wish You Had!

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“Whish I had what?” I know that’s what you’re thinking…
You’re gonna wish you had listened to me and stocked up on
especially since they are 20% off from now until December 7th.

Monk Series Finale Prediction

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I don’t watch Monk, but Neil and the girls do. (Why in the world would I watch a show about someone who has the same neuroses as me? :)) I do know a little about the storyline, though. He has spent the past several seasons trying to figure out who murdered his wife.

Here is my prediction: Monk’s wife is not dead. She entered the Witness Protection Program. Monk will fake his death in the final episode and join her. The two will then go on to live happily ever after.

I will tune in Friday night for the series finale to see if I am correct. I’ll bring the tissues, because if the series finale of Monk is anything like the series finale of Gilmore Girls, Neil and the girls are gonna need the whole box.