Busy Week Ahead…
It’s fall band concert week for both girls, plus soccer playoffs for Erica and Coach Daddy, plus two card classes for me to prep for and teach.
Wait, next week will be a busy one, too. It’s Thanksgiving week, and then, well, you know the rest.
I’ll sleep again mid-January.
No, wait! I can’t!
Mid-January brings the baby shower for my sister-in-law.
February brings the arrival of the baby. I am planning on helping out as much as I possibly can since this is their first baby and I have been baby-hungry for about twelve years now. Won’t get much sleep in February, either.
Maybe I should just change the title of this post to…”Busy Life Ahead.”
I’m not complaining… I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“So, Girls, What Do You Want for Christmas?”
their grandmother asked them lovingly at our weekly Sunday dinner. “We want to buy a school in Afghanistan for $60,000 to educate the kids.”

and this, to add to my American Girl Doll Christmas decoration collection:Hey, at least I’m a girl who knows what she wants.(Leave me alone. A dog bit my hand and it hurts. So BACK OFF! Or I’ll bite YOU!)
Shoulda Just Sent a Text…
Here’s my question…if you have a dog that is known to have a temperament that is “known to snap without any provocation,” and you have a house FULL (and I mean FULL) of adults and rambunctious teenagers, why don’t you lock your dog in another room for a few hours? And when someone asks you if the dog is friendly and if it is okay to pet the dog, why do you say “OH, YES,” but proceed to hold the dog and muzzle its mouth with your hands?All I can say is that it happened so fast and hurt like that place below us that is full of fire.They numbed it, washed it out, gave me a tetanus shot and an Rx for an antibiotic and sent me home.As far as the little pooch goes, that is in the hands of Animal Care and Control. Let them do their job and determine what needs to be done. If this bite, as the owners say, is the first time the dog has bitten anyone, than it was truly an accident. If not, it’s not my place to figure out what to do with the dog. Although I think you can all take a guess…(To avoid having this happen to you, read about the attacker HERE.)
Have You Ever Been Bitten By a Dog?
Well, if not, I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. The meds are kicking in so I’m calling it a night. Stay tuned…