Fun Gift Card Holders

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I wish I could provide a template or a tutorial for these fun gift card holders.  The problem is that I just made them up as I went along.  You can do the same thing!  Just gather a bunch of scraps, measure a gift card, and get your creative juices flowing!


So, At About Noon Today…

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I got out of the car
upon feeling the outdoor heat hit my face,
I immediately said to Neil,
It feels like a hurricane is coming.”
I then proceeded to go inside,
log on to Palm Beach Post dot com,
and read
I felt like the wizard when he says to Dorothy after “predicting” her future…
“There’s a storm coming up…a whopper.”

Back to the Yellow Brick Road

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‘The Wizard of Oz’ Celebrates 70th Anniversary

Follow the yellow brick road to a theater near you: it’s been 70 years since “The Wizard of Oz” first burst onto screens, and to celebrate, NCM Fathom, Warner Home Video and Turner Classic Movies will present the film in High Definition in movie theatres nationwide Sept. 29.
I’m in…you with me?

Banana for Bananas

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I LOVE all things banana…
While we were in Canada, we had the most delicious breakfasts every morning at our hotel. I alternated each day…one day French toast, the next day pancakes. One thing I didn’t change, however, was the fact that I had peanut butter and bananas as the toppings on each one! The French toast was even billed as a “power breakfast,” stuffed with bananas and peanut butter.
I realized that I really did have a ton of energy every day. I usually eat cereal for breakfast and I feel light-headed all day.
Not after eating this:

I also realized that almost all of my clothes come from this store:

My friends like bananas, too. While we were in NYC, Sharon chose a banana as a snack over a ton of other delicious food. While we were at the CHA in Orlando, Nancy did the same thing…a ton of delicious junk food, and she went for the banana. Seriously, a TON of good stuff that’s bad for your body and your health, and my two best friends go for the monkey food. My dad, too! A few years ago we were on a cruise and he actually asked me to grab him a banana off the table…the table that was filled with chocolate, desserts, pies, etc.

Nancy with her banana at the CHA

I asked my mom if she wouldn’t mind picking up a few things at Costco so that we would have some food when we returned home from Canada. She was shocked when I asked her to get not one, but TWO bags of bananas.
I don’t ever like to be without my banana.
I miss my banana when I don’t have it every day.
Oh, banana, who knew you would have such a presence in my life?
I can’t live without you.