I LOVE all things banana…

While we were in Canada, we had the most delicious breakfasts every morning at our hotel. I alternated each day…one day French toast, the next day pancakes. One thing I didn’t change, however, was the fact that I had peanut butter and bananas as the toppings on each one! The French toast was even billed as a “power breakfast,” stuffed with bananas and peanut butter.
I realized that I really did have a ton of energy every day. I usually eat cereal for breakfast and I feel light-headed all day.
Not after eating this:
I also realized that almost all of my clothes come from this store:

My friends like bananas, too. While we were in NYC, Sharon chose a banana as a snack over a ton of other delicious food. While we were at the CHA in Orlando, Nancy did the same thing…a ton of delicious junk food, and she went for the banana. Seriously, a TON of good stuff that’s bad for your body and your health, and my two best friends go for the monkey food. My dad, too! A few years ago we were on a cruise and he actually asked me to grab him a banana off the table…the table that was filled with chocolate, desserts, pies, etc.
Nancy with her banana at the CHA

I asked my mom if she wouldn’t mind picking up a few things at Costco so that we would have some food when we returned home from Canada. She was shocked when I asked her to get not one, but TWO bags of bananas.
I don’t ever like to be without my banana.
I miss my banana when I don’t have it every day.
Oh, banana, who knew you would have such a presence in my life?
I can’t live without you.