In Case You’re Interested…

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The re-runs of The Sopranos on A and E are starting over again with Episode 1 tomorrow. (Wednesday.) It airs at 8 am and is repeated at 2 pm.
Watch it.
Best show ever.
(Maybe it’s a Jersey-Girl thing.)
Forget the mafia part…
it’s the mannerisms and the sayings and the family relationships…
the actors, the screenwriters, the costume people, the make-up artists, the set designers…
they nailed it.
(It is edited down to a one-hour show and it is still pretty brutal. I can only imagine what the actual show was like on HBO.)

…And We’re Off!!!

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The last big bang of the summer…a trip to Canada to visit Neil’s family.
Neil was born and raised in Canada but he is Dutch. His parents are from The Netherlands and Neil is fluent in the Dutch language. I am fluent in the language of Dutch swear words (thanks to Neil’s dad!) I also know some other sayings and I know how to sing the song that Santa Clause sings in Dutch, much to Susie’s bewilderment, to the little Dutch girl in “Miracle on 34th Street.”
We are going to Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is flat. It is directly above North Dakota. The sky is HUGE there and it stays light outside until about 11 pm.
They don’t have any Targets there, but I have a big supply of chocolate packed so I should be fine. Oh yeah! One more thing! Have you ever seen the movie Fargo? That is how the people talk! Ya know that, eh?
(Disclaimer: Only watch Fargo when it is on regular cable and edited to PG. Miracle on 34th Street is safe to watch anywhere, anytime.)

Another Fun Perpetual Birthday Calendar

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I tweaked the calendar I was inspired to make by this piece of mail into a stand-alone perpetual calendar that I can keep on my desk.

I adhered two pieces of 8-1/2″ x 11″ cardstock together to create the base. 

Why don’t you make one and give it to your child’s teacher on the first day of school?  It makes a great gift and it’s a great tool for teachers to use to record the students’ birthdays!