I had a blast spending a day and a night at Shari and Andy’s new place in Provo. Andy was in Boston so Shari and I had a fun afternoon at the Temple.
We also had a refreshing dip in the pool. It was so funny to look up from my lounge chair by the pool and see a Christmas tree with pine cones. It should have been a palm tree.Later that evening, Shari’s Emmy award caught my eye. (Yes, it is real!!!) I had fun pretending.
(My leg automatically falls into this position when I pose for a picture. I think it is instinctive from my former life as a model. Silly, huh?)
whoa! Back up, Shari has an Emmy? Please fill me in.
Yes, Shari has an Emmy and Andy has about a dozen or more. Shari won her Emmy for her work on one of the Olympic Games as part of NBC Sports and Andy won his …well, the same way I guess, through his work with NBC Sports. (I’m not really sure, exactly.) Cool, huh???!!! Share explained it to me that like the whole team of people win. You know how an entire group of people go up on stage? We’ll have to ask her to do a “show and tell” when she comes back into town.