I Think This is Really Cool…

Adrienne has been told by a few different people to take the SAT subject tests as soon as she finishes the AP course in that subject. Makes sense to me. The information will be fresh in her mind.
This year she has AP World History, so yesterday she decided to register for, yes, you guessed it, the World History SAT subject test. Turns out, though, that the test will be when we are in NJ this summer.
No sweat! “I know!” she said, “I will just take the test in New Jersey!”
So, lo and behold, she registered to take the test in NJ.
What’s so cool about that, you ask?
Well, I think it’s pretty darn cool that not only will she be taking the test in my hometown, she will be taking the test at my high school in the same room where I took my SAT test.
I just love, love, love nostalgia like that!!!!
(P.S. It’s also the same high school my dad attended!)

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