I am SOOOO Rude, and I DON’T Care!!!

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Forget about the Swine Flu…I have been wearing face masks and not shaking hands for a long time. Ever since I had pneumonia (like ten years ago) I have been super-paranoid about germs.

For the past couple of years I have worn a face mask when I fly…much to the embarrassment of my family. I always politely tell the strangers who sit next to me that I’m not sick, I just don’t like germs.

If someone goes to shake my hand, I kindly say, “Sorry, I don’t shake hands.” I also keep hand sanitizer in my car and in my purse. Rude? Maybe. Do I care? No.

When was the last time I was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY sick or even had a cold? Other than this minor yuckiness, I really can’t remember.

Oink, oink.