Seventeen years ago today I gave birth for the very first time.
Nine pounds. Nine ounces. 22 1/2″ long.
The nurse handed her to me and I put her cheek on my cheek and it was sooooo warm.
My life began at that very moment.
Seventeen years ago today I gave birth for the very first time.
Nine pounds. Nine ounces. 22 1/2″ long.
The nurse handed her to me and I put her cheek on my cheek and it was sooooo warm.
My life began at that very moment.
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Rykten som säger att grabben laddar samt en magkänsla som säger att han vill dra…Shit nu mÃ¥ste vi ju fan sälja! Eller skit i o sälja, rentav kasta honom!
How about mechanical pencils? No sharpener needed!Serenity is an awesome movie and I am picking the Aug date! I think you can do it, sleep is soooo over rated (been out of town for the last 4 days so trying to catch up on everything!) Gonna go check out the latest Thornspell post!)
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fcLove the trays , Cathe!!! I have one I use all the time and I just bought a pretty beat up wood one, with great character and lines, to re-do..I’ll share it on my blog when done…Thanks for your kind words and Inspiration!! ~Theresa.4e