
      1 Comment on Love
I haven’t held a card class in months.  I have been way too exhausted. 
I finally held two classes last Friday.  I had a lot of time to prepare since the girls were away at camp all week.  I was so touched that a couple of my ladies brought me “be happy” gifts.
Here is a bottle of yummy bubbly juice from Pat M.
and a cute miniature orchid plant from Vicky…
I made some cookies for my night class and decided to surprise my babies when they arrived home from camp that night with one big cookie.  Instead of a cookie, I ended up giving them Australia.

1 thought on “Love

  1. Monkey

    I guess I should change my name to &q&tS;tcotchMomuquoo;. My mom would swipe on some lipstick and my Dad would come home everyday a little after five and they would have at least one dewers and soda. She would look pretty and life seemed so organized.

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