Opinions Needed, Please

I’m thinking of making this blog private.  I don’t think very many people read it, but I want to be able to post photos of my little G (read the last part of my previous post.)  I’m also looking ahead to the future.  I want to be able to freely post info and photos of Adrienne and her college adventures.  I want to be able to post stories of all the funny things that Erica says. 

I realized that I have been editing what I say because I don’t want weirdos to read about our lives.  I don’t want to edit anymore.

I think I’ll give it a try.  To all of my private blogger friends, what do I need to do?  Do people have to send me an email or something so that I can add them to a list?  Help!

4 thoughts on “Opinions Needed, Please

  1. Shauna

    You will need everyone's e-mail so you can have blogger send them an invite to read your blog once you switch it to private.

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