lettin’ it all hang out…

It’s too difficult to maintain a private blog.  Not only does it keep the world out, it keeps me out, too.  It is a pain in the neck to have to log in every time.  I’m not that important.  I don’t really think the world cares enough to stalk me, so I’m gonna let it all hang out.  I did, however, remove the post of my little G and the photos of Neil breaking into the house.

Tomorrow will be Adrienne’s last first day of school.  (Can you say “Gilmore Girls?”)  It’s also Erica’s first day of high school.  I’m so glad I have my little G at times like these!  I can re-live their babyhoods through him.

2 thoughts on “lettin’ it all hang out…

  1. Shauna

    I agree. I used to be all crazy about the blog privacy, but I have a counter so I can see who reads and how often, which helps me know that I dont have that many readers, etc
    I do like having the security word that commenters have to type in. It elimates the electronicaly generated comments
    I think FB is actually more open/invasive than blogging. That is where I post all my pics, but am re-thinking that.

  2. charlene harreveld Post author

    I know what you mean about Facebook. I have all of my Facebook settings set to private, so if anyone searches for me who isn't a friend, they won't see anything except my picture. I don't think they can even read comments I post on other people's walls if they aren't my friend.

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