Le Train de Nulle Part

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Interesting trivia fact of the day:

Le Train de Nulle Part (The Train from Nowhere) is a 233-page French novel, written in 2004 by a French doctor of letters, Michel Dansel, under the pen-name Michel Thaler. The entire novel is written without a single verb.

Here is a little sample:

Fool’s luck! A vacant seat, almost, in that compartment. A provisional stop, why not? So, my new address in this train from nowhere: car 12, 3rd compartment, from the front. Once again, why not?

(Thanks, Mary Ann, for posting this tidbit on Facebook! I don’t know why, but for some reason I find it a fascinating fact!)

Pop-Up Birthday Card

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When you untie the bow on the front of this card, it pops open to reveal a very cute birthday cake inside! I want to figure out a way to have confetti pop out of the top of the cake. Any suggestions?


Well, Okay, Then!

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Something you don’t hear every day…
Adrienne just called me from Georgetown. She said she is trying to get her class to meet with the Afghanistan ambassador to the US. She asked me to run into her bedroom and grab his phone number off of her bulletin board.
(I’m not even going to ask…)
(I don’t know what surprises me more…that she has his phone number, or that I actually spelled Afghanistan right on the first try)