BOO, HOO!!! Say it ain’t so!! Am I really going to give up my favorite obsession? Just utter the words “Canal Street” and I can smell it, and hear it, and feel it, and taste it!
However, I totally scored a pair of REAL Coach sneakers (similar to these)
at the Macy’s One Day Sale last week. They were only forty-four bucks! And they are real! (I also scored myself a beautiful, perfectly-sized REAL Coach handbag at a Bloomingdale’s sale about a month ago. The purse is nicely hidden next to Neil’s side of the bed for him to give me for Christmas.)
Okay, I know that there is absolutely no possible way that I can go to my favorite place on earth without visiting my other favorite place on earth, but I guess I won’t have to mumble “Louie? Louie? Louie?” to the guy standing on the street corner anymore. And Sharon won’t have to worry about my getting mugged or kidnapped when I disappear for what must seem like
hours-on-end down a street and up a few flights of stairs and into a hidden room. Boo Hoo. There is just something so depressing about that to me.