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I’ve been creating things with paper for over eight years.  I wish I had some of the first things I made. I didn’t make this card, but I’ve had it for several years.  My friend Jen made it as an invitation for her niece’s birthday.  I call this card  my “step-it-up” card.  When I saw it, I knew I needed to expand  my creativity beyond just stamping an image directly onto cardstock, adding some glitter, and thinking I was fabulous.

You can “step-up” your creations by adding simple embellishments.  I love how Jen added small beads to the ends of the twine.  Nice touch!


To make the tie, first thread the twine through the button holes, leaving two long tails hanging.

Keeping the two hanging tails together, wrap them around the back of the card.


Now wrap the tails around the button.  You’re done!


Make an Organizer from a Pocket Folder

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While you are out shopping for school supplies, buy a bunch of two-pocket folders.  You know, the ones that are on sale this time of year for ten cents.  Buy lots of them in lots of different colors!  Look at what you can make!  (Although I made the folder shown here, the idea for this is not my original idea.  I found it online a few years ago and adapted the theme.  If it’s yours, please send an email to [email protected] so I can link to your blog.)

All you need to do is make two score lines, fold, and decorate.  There is already a score line down the center, so just add a score line down the middle of the front of the folder and another score line down the middle of the back of the folder (see black arrows on the photo below.)  Once you’ve made the score lines, fan-fold the folder as shown. 

Now all you have to do is decorate and label each section of the folder.  The folder I made is great for planning a party.  The different pockets keep everything organized.

Inside left, above.  Inside right, below.

Back view.

Now you try it!

How to Make an Invitation Look Vintage

Two years ago I was blessed with the task of creating invitations for our family reunion.  Six generations of my mom’s family were going to gather at the homestead that my great-grandfather built in 1898.  Talk about pressure!  I was honored to accept the task.  There were so many elements that I wanted to include in the invitation to ensure that the recipients would be filled with nostalgia and be excited to attend.

Here is the finished product.  You can easily create the same type of invitation, and you probably already have all of the supplies that you’ll need.


Two different colors of cardstock, brads, brown ink (or any dark color that coordinates with the cardstock you’re using,) hole punch (for the brads,) corner-rounder

I used a two-column word doc to create the photo and wording of the invitation, and then I printed them onto Very Vanilla cardstock.  The photo I used is an actual photo of my great-grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and grandfather in front of the house that my great-grandfather built (and where we had the reunion.)  I’ll bet when they posed for this photo they had NO IDEA that it would one day end up on the worldwide web.  (By the way, that’s a baby goat in the photo.)

Try to gather a photo that includes as many generations as possible.  I think it adds a nice touch.

Here’s the wording I used and you can use, too, since most family reunions include the same type of stuff, right?  Food, music, fun, and games! 


Now, to create a vintage look, there are three things you can do.  First, before you attach the two pieces of cardstock together with the brads, scrape the sides of the cardstock directly against the ink pad.  This will put ink along all of the edges.  Then take the ink pad and randomly and lightly blot some ink directly onto the paper.

Second, add the brads to fasten the two pieces of cardstock together.  After you add the brads, use a hammer and bang them flat.  Finally, rub the sides of the cardstock against a metal edge (like a metal ruler or a pair of scissors,) to make the sides wrinkly.  Don’t worry if you make some little tears; it looks better that way!


That’s all there is to it!  The only difficult part of this project was creating the word doc.  I always go crazy when I have to center things in columns, etc. 

Have fun making the invitations for your family reunion.  😉

Opinions Needed, Please

I’m thinking of making this blog private.  I don’t think very many people read it, but I want to be able to post photos of my little G (read the last part of my previous post.)  I’m also looking ahead to the future.  I want to be able to freely post info and photos of Adrienne and her college adventures.  I want to be able to post stories of all the funny things that Erica says. 

I realized that I have been editing what I say because I don’t want weirdos to read about our lives.  I don’t want to edit anymore.

I think I’ll give it a try.  To all of my private blogger friends, what do I need to do?  Do people have to send me an email or something so that I can add them to a list?  Help!


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I’ve had to set aside my plan to heal myself from orthostatic hypotension because I have a more pressing problem at the moment.  I really have had a bad year in the ailment department.  First mono, then the blood pressure diagnosis, and now it’s a torn rotator cuff, a tear on another part of my shoulder, and to top it off,  I have a frozen shoulder, too. 

Have you ever had a nagging pain that just doesn’t go away?  I got a cortisone shot on Monday and it hurt so bad I literally screamed and burst into tears.  You know, just like an infant does when they get their shots.  Nothing in my life has ever hurt as much as that shot.  You heard me…not even the worst labor pains.

I start 6 to 8 weeks of physical therapy on Friday, with the hope that I won’t need surgery.  I say let’s just get to it and get it fixed…I’m sure I’ll need a new liver after all of the medicine I’ve been taking.  Wouldn’t having surgery on my shoulder be the lesser of the two evils?  I don’t think new livers are very easy to come by.


I’m finally getting around to mailing Sharon’s (my bff) birthday present.  So what if it’s four months late, right?  That’s the reason she is my bff.  She’ll understand.  I wish she lived closer.  However, if she did, I don’t know if we would still be friends because I would pester her to death and call her every five minutes.


Adrienne broke the mailbox key in half today.  She breaks everything.  One time she ripped the towel bar right off the wall.  If something is in her hands, chances are when it leaves her hands it won’t be the same.  But that’s okay…she is adorable, smart, funny, talented, and I love her.  I only have her home for about 365 more days.  Wow.


Erica is so excited because she will be a freshman with a ton of friends who are seniors.  Plus, she’ll get to ride to school every day in her sister’s car.  Nothing like being the cool girl on campus to make transitioning into high school a little easier.


I don’t think I’ve mentioned this news on my blog, but I am finally an aunt.  My little G has brought me so much joy.  I won’t be posting much about him or posting any photos of him.  He’s not my baby to put on the worldwide web.  Let me just say that I have gotten a taste of what it must be like to be a grandparent.  (He came along a little later in life…my brother (G’s dad) is 48.)  I never thought I could love someone as much as I love Neil and my babies, but now I have G, too.  He is delicious.  I can’t get enough of him.  He has me wrapped.  I didn’t know he was missing until I found him.