Seven Years of Bad Luck All in One Day

It all started this morning when Adrienne accidentally broke my hand mirror.

About an hour later Erica yelled, “Mommy, the nail polish fell and broke and spilled all over the floor!” (And all over her jeans!)
As soon as we got the nail polish all cleaned up, I opened the kitchen cabinet and a bottle of ketchup came flying out and fell on the tile floor and broke. Of course while I was cleaning it up I stepped on a piece of glass and cut my foot. (No, I am not kidding.)Tonight I was cleaning up some more of the nail polish and a picture fell off the wall.I am going to bed. Wake me when it’s over.

3 thoughts on “Seven Years of Bad Luck All in One Day

  1. Dragon

    Good Grief! This has been a bad Monday all over the US! Since when did Monday’s become bad luck days?!

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