You Are ALL Invited

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I want to invite all of you to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour one our church’s newest temples in Ft. Lauderdale while it is open to the public. 
When a new temple is built, the church allows members of the community who aren’t members of our faith to tour the inside for a few weeks during an open house.  After the open house, the building is closed to the public and a special dedication service is held for members.  Once that happens, the Temple is no longer open to the public.

Check out the Open House dates and times HERE and send me an email or FB message, or leave a comment if you are interested.  We will be going several times, and you are more than welcome to join us any time!  You can also make reservations and go on your own HERE.  It’s free, and once again, it really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  (Unless, of course, you convert.  ;))


Modeling 101: How to Remove a Jacket While Walking the Runway

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Ahhh…the dreaded jacket removal.  It’s a very precise procedure and not as easy at it looks.  Here are a few tips on how to remove a jacket while you are walking the runway.

I’ll be wearing this cute B/A/S/L/E/R jacket in the fashion show on Saturday.  The dress that I am wearing with it has a great cut on the top, so the fashion director wants me to take off the jacket to show off the dress.  (I accidentally suggested removing the jacket while I was at the fitting…been losing sleep about it ever since.)  Removing a jacket while in the process of strutting down the runway is not an easy task.
Luckily, the jacket above doesn’t have any buttons to deal with.  However, the lining isn’t silk.  The lining is some type of fabric (I don’t know fabrics) that doesn’t easily slide on the skin, making it a little tricky to remove it without any hassle.
Here are some options if you need to take off a jacket.
1)  You might be able to get away with wearing the jacket on your shoulders like the model in the far-right photo below.  You will be totally stressed out trying to keep it on your shoulders while you’re walking, but when you reach the end of the runway you can very easily let it slide off while you are mid-turn.

2)  If the jacket has buttons, begin unbuttoning the jacket starting from the bottom when you begin walking down the runway.  If you start at the bottom, hopefully you won’t miss any buttons along the way.  Make sure you run your hand along the jacket’s line of buttons so you can physically feel with your fingers if you unbuttoned all of them.  (Yeah, it takes talent to do this, folks!  Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?)

3)  Pray that you don’t have to wear bracelets AND remove a jacket.

4)  If you have a plain jacket like the one I will be wearing, the way to remove it is to begin “popping” it off your shoulders just before you get to the end of the runway.  You “pop” it by quickly arching your back and throwing back your shoulders. The jacket should be down by your elbows while you are entering your turn, and totally off by the time you have completed your turn.  You can either walk back carrying it over one shoulder (I personally don’t prefer this…looks too 80’s Barbizon to me,) or just hold it down by your side.

I’ll add a video after Saturday’s show.  Hopefully, I will get it right.  My only worry is the sticky fabric.

If you have to remove a jacket, look on the bright side…by the time you exit the runway, you will be halfway undressed and ready to make your next change.  Believe me, you don’t ever want to miss a change.  (Unless, of course, you don’t ever want to work for the client again.)

Runway Modeling 101: How to Show Up to the Fitting

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Since I am returning to the runway this weekend after a 21 year hiatus, I have found it funny (and a huge relief) that everything I used to do is coming back to me.  I thought I would share some runway modeling basics for those of you who might be interested in discovering what really goes on behind-the-scenes or for those of you who are just beginning to embark on a career as a runway model. 
Runway modeling is much different than print and commercial modeling.  One big difference is that as a runway model, we had to always look runway-ready, especially when we went on castings.  (A print/commercial model usually always had to look the opposite:  very natural with very little to no make up.)  Someone once told me that as a runway model, one should never assume that the client could use his or her imagination to envision what you would look like with hair and make up done, ready to strut the catwalk.  It was always important to show them how you would look by showing up to every casting and every fitting prepared.

Since it has been two decades since my last show (holy cow) I have had to start from scratch in preparing my model bag to get ready for tomorrow’s fitting.  (To read more about the show I will be walking, click HERE.)

Here is a peek at what is needed to be prepared and professional for a fitting.

1)  Look like a model!  Be sure to dress the part.
2)  Wear a seamless, low-cut, strapless bra in nude to avoid it showing from underneath the outfit. 
3)  Wear a nude high-cut thong to avoid panty lines.
4)  Wear a pair of nude sheer-to-waste pantyhose.  This helps to keep everything smooth underneath the clothing. 
5)  Be sure to have your model bag.  A must.
6)  Inside your model bag, include a pair of basic black pumps.  It wouldn’t hurt to include a pair of basic black flats, too.  This way when you try on the clothes it is easy for the client to really see how the outfit looks on you, and it is one less thing that they have to do.  They don’t want to be bothered with finding you a pair of shoes.
7)  Most importantly, include a silk scarf in your model bag.  You will use this to protect the clothing from make up.  Make sure the scarf is big enough to cover your head/face.  Place the scarf over your head/face before you try on pullover tops.  The scarf works wonders to keep the client’s clothes free from your make up.

Coming Up…Packing your model bag for the actual show.

Updated:  Do’s and Don’t for the Fitting

DO:  shut off your phone and leave it in your model bag, arrive a few minutes early (late doesn’t cut it AT ALL in this business,) keep your fingernails clean and short with a neutral color or no color at  all

DON’T:  wear any jewelry (leave it home,) wear any perfume or deoderant
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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion: Part I

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Here we go!  Part one of three of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion.

I have been watching all of the Real Housewives since the beginning. (I gave up on Real Housewives of Atlanta a couple of seasons ago because it was way too raunchy.) I have a feeling this reunion is going to be one for the memory books. There was a lot of raw emotion this season.

  1)  Andy looks a little pale.
  2)  Carlton needs to go.
  3)  Yolanda looks great without the hair extensions.
  4)  Joyce is gorgeous.  So are Kyle and Kim.  Brandi is trying too hard to look sexy, but she looks great.
  5)   Kim had great work done.
  6)  If you don’t like it Lisa, leave the show.
  7)  What is wrong with Calabasas?
  8)  Lisa, this is not all about you.
  9)  Love Kyle’s hair.
10)  Yolanda seems really sincere.  Love the accent.  (I’m married to a Dutchman.)
11)  I understand what Yolanda means by fair-weathered friends.  (But I also know what true friends are, too!)
12)  I am happy for Kim.  I hope she keeps it up!  Too much of the dog this season, though.  Why would she get a Pit Bull?
13)  Feeding the squirrels!  The bikini wax!  Falling off the chair!  Praying… 😉
14)  Jimmy McNichol!  (btw…whatever happened to Kristy?)
15)  Joyce is gorgeous.
16)  Wait…Kyle’s hair is too red.  Loved her as the only brunette.
17)  Good point Kim, comparing being intoxicated to praying.  You go, girl!  No excuses!
18)  I hope the rumors about Yolanda and David getting divorce aren’t true.
19)  Love Joyce’s shoes.
20)  Why must every hw go to a shooting range?  Boring.
21)  Brandi needs to stop drinking.
22)  Rumor is that Joyce won’t be back next season.  Too bad!  I like her.
23)  I believe Joyce in the hair-flipping situation.
24)  I need a Valium after this Brandi/Joyce throw-down.
25)  You deserved the eggs, Brandi.  Really inappropriate (and racist) thing to say.
26)  Carlton, GO HOME!
27)  TMI.  Hit the mute button.
28)  Besides that one Lifetime movie with LeeAnne Rimes, what does Brandi’s ex-husband actually do?
29)  Yes, Kyle, go back to being brunette!
30)  Lisa is mean, but at least she tried to stop Brandi from drinking.
31)  Yolanda pulls the “it’s all about me” attitude, too.  Gets on my nerves.
32)  Yes, Brandi, consistency in a friendship is crucial.  I agree with you.
33)  Yes, I know what you mean about the second-tier friend thing, Joyce.
34)  Don’t let anyone make you feel invisible, Kyle.
35)  Okay, she fainted.  I understand it.  I have the same blood pressure problem.  Leave her alone.
36)  Those moments when people cut you down, you get upset, and they say, “I was just kidding,” instead of taking responsibility for being rude.
37)  I agree, Andy.  At the end, they will all be hugging.  Except for Carlton.  And Joyce.
38)  No, she CANNOT take it.  And yes, she dishes it out.  (Adrienne – my daughter, not Adrienne Maloof – saw Lisa and Ken and Giggy in Miami Beach.  She is gorgeous in real life, too.)
39)  Wow!  I didn’t know Lisa spent the holidays with Yolanda.

Part 2 coming up next week! 

Bloomingdales Fashion Show for Melanoma Foundation: Returning to the Catwalk

I will be coming out of my self-induced twenty one years of retirement next Saturday to participate in a fashion show at Bloomingdales for the Richard David Kahn Melanoma Foundation.

How?  Erica’s friend volunteers for the organization and asked if I would do it.  I’m glad I said yes because my girls have never seen me model before, except in the living room.  However, I am even more happy that it is a one-time thing.  I have been having a recurring dream as of late that I return to modeling and show up for a show completely unprepared.  I wake up in a total panic, so thankful that it was just a dream.

When the gal called me from Bloomies to book my fitting, she asked me what I like to wear.  I made sure to tell her to keep me covered!  I need to hide my flabby arms and legs.  Being able to dictate what I will wear and/or what I won’t wear is such a luxury, and certainly not a choice I ever had when I was modeling back in the day.  The unspoken rule was to wear whatever you were given, and to love and rave about whatever it was you wore. 

I also remember observing the older models when I was working in my twenties, and promising myself that I would never, ever model when I was older.  Reality check:  I am now one of those older  models, flab and all.  I think it will be fun to have one last hurrah, though, and I’m happy that Erica can come to the fitting with me and watch me in action at the show.  I only wish that Adrienne were here to watch, too, but thank goodness for phone video, right?

If you want to support a great cause, visit Bloomingdales PGA on Saturday, March 22nd at 2pm.  A portion of all of the sales that day will be donated by Bloomingdales to the melanoma foundation.

Boy am I happy I got that Botox and filler.  🙂