A Dream Comes True

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When it came to selecting colleges, Erica just wasn’t feeling it.  It was late September/early October and she really had no dream school or tingly feeling about going to any certain place.  It wasn’t for lack of trying.  We have been touring colleges since the girls can remember.  Most of our tours weren’t official; we just visited whatever institutions just happened to be in the area we just happened to be passing through.  We had t-shirts and decals from Harvard, Princeton, Yale, NYU, Julliard…you get the idea.  We laughed when Adrienne was accepted to Duke because it was one of the few schools that we never visited.  Heck, we didn’t even have a Duke pencil. Nothing.

Since college applications are generally due late fall/early winter, things were becoming a little panicky.  It’s difficult to make a decision when the world is your oyster.  Life is so much easier sometimes when you don’t have too many choices.  New York City?  Virginia?  California?  England?  Forget about Carmen San Diego!  Where in the world is Erica going to apply to college?

And then one day, everything fell into place.  The stars aligned, and her decision was made.  She came home from school shedding happy tears.  She found the place for her.  Or maybe I should say, the place for her found her, and the answer was Columbia University’s Barnard College.

Up until that moment, the only thing I ever knew about Barnard was that it is the Alma Mater of Martha Stewart and Lauren Graham.  I knew it was in NYC and that it was in the vicinity of Columbia.  That’s it.  But when Erica came home that day, it all started to click.  She decided to attend the assembly at school given by Barnard’s college recruiter.  Her reason for attending was to skip class; however, attending that hour long info session was the best decision she has made in her life so far.

Barnard College is the women’s college of Columbia University.  Even though it is a separate institution, it is a part of Columbia.  Barnard graduates take classes at Columbia and receive Columbia University degrees.  However, Barnard is a small school of about 600 girls per class.  The dorms are all female.  The college boasts an atmosphere of community, not competitiveness.  They have a phenomenal internship program.  The professors know the girls.  It is a small oasis in an enormous city.  It had Erica’s name written all over it.  So much so that two weeks after that info session, we were on a plane to NYC to tour the school.  Two weeks after that, she applied for early decision.  About five weeks later, her dream came true. 

Take a look:

barnard college early decision

barnard college early decision class of 2018

barnard college early decision

barnard college early decision
…and about five minutes after she received her acceptance email, Adrienne walked through the door, home from Duke for Christmas break.

barnard college early decision duke university

barnard college early decision duke university
Moral of the story…if you want an excuse to get out of class, go to a college recruitment meeting.  It could change your life.

Sending My Baby Off to College

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I sent my first baby off to college three years ago just a few months after her dad (who is also my husband…in this day of divorce I feel like I need to clarify; isn’t that sad?) was diagnosed with colon cancer.  I have to admit that it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  Here’s why:

1)  She was excited to be going to Duke.  She had worked her hardest at everything she did since preschool to prepare herself to go to a top university.  Her dream came true, and she was ready to seek out every opportunity that she could find to make the most of her college experience.  To put it bluntly, she wanted to be where she was.  She wasn’t forced.  It was entirely her decision.

2)  When I physically said goodbye to her before I left for the airport (you know…the final goodbye,) I left her in good hands with familiar people at the student center.  I didn’t leave her alone in her dorm room.  She was with a group of people from our church, helping them welcome new students.  I felt good knowing I was leaving her with a group of people who had the same values and would take care of her emotionally (if needed) and spiritually.

3)  Immediately after I said goodbye to her, I went to McDonald’s in the basement of the student center, ordered a McFlurry (my go-to comfort food), and started crying to the nice older gentlemen who was serving me.  “I just said goodbye to my baby!”  I was crying and he was so nice to me.  I think he even added a few extra pieces of peanut butter cups to cheer me.  🙂

4)  As soon as I landed back home and my husband picked me up at the airport, I knew immediately that something just wasn’t right with him.  It was a Wednesday night, and he was hooked up to his chemo pump.  I remember the day and the circumstances because I remember spending all day Thursday (the next day) being very weepy.  Little did I know that less than 48 hours later, the fact that my baby girl was away at college for the first time wasn’t even a thought on my mind…To Be Continued

Cul de Sac Feminism and the Third Wave: A Guest Post

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Today’s post, “Cul de Sac Feminism and the Third Wave,” is brought to you by my daughter, Adrienne.  She is a columnist for The Chronicle at Duke University.  She writes about an experience she had in our neighborhood last week when she was home for spring break and how it made her realize there is a missing link in feminism today.

Click HERE to read her column.

A Job for High School Students that Pays $60K

What job could a high school student possibly have that will pay nearly $60,000.00?  You’re thinking that it must be something illegal, like dealing drugs or giving lap dances, right? 

No.  The best job that a high school student can have is one where she doesn’t even have to leave the comfort of her own home.  What job am I talking about?  The job is…school. School?  Yes, school. Let me tell you why.

In just a few short weeks, my oldest baby girl will be graduating from college, but I need to start this story from the beginning.  I find it quite fitting that her graduation happens to fall on the twenty-second anniversary of my discovering that I was pregnant with her after six years of trying unsuccessfully to conceive.  I remember when I took her home from the hospital on my twenty-sixth birthday, laid her in her bassinet in the living room of our tiny townhouse, and wept. I looked at her chubby little cheeks and realized that I had just opened myself up to the biggest heartache ever…one day she would grow up and leave me. Like they say in the movie Return to Peyton Place, “the love between a parent and a child is the only love that should grow toward separation.”  Pathetic, I know, but true when you think about it.

I am rendered speechless when I realize how quickly the time has passed between that surreal moment when the nurse handed her to me in the hospital and now. As if her childhood didn’t pass by quickly enough, she is speeding up the process by graduating college after only three years.  How?  Because instead of spending her high school days rushing home from a long day only to turn around and head out the door again to go to work at a minimum wage job, she approached her time in high school as a career.  She didn’t flip burgers or work a cash register.  She studied, and it paid off big time.  As a result of her treating her career as a high school student as a serious profession, she is not only shaving a year off of college, but she is also saving herself a year’s tuition – nearly $60K.  Tell me what job she could have possibly had in high school that would have paid her that much money. You can’t.

Both of my girls have always been over-achievers and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.  They both were born with the intrinsic desire to be the very best at everything they set out to do. My husband and I never pushed them or threatened them or bribed them to do well in school.  They just don’t know any other way to exist other than to give it all they’ve got and then some.  Just like a parent with a child who is sports-driven sacrifices both time and money to support her in her athletic endeavors, my husband and I sacrificed to support our girls’ careers as high school students. We didn’t have to pay for uniforms or team dues; instead, we put gas in their cars and bought study guides.  They attended prom and hung out with their friends, but just like a student athlete has to sacrifice some fun to focus on her sport, our girls knew when they needed to say no to a fun time and buckle down.

The pay check for my daughter came in the form of her scores on the Advanced Placement exams.  I cannot begin to profess that I know any of the ins and outs of how colleges figure out how to apply high school credits to meet college requirements; I can only speak from my daughter’s experience.  She took as many Advanced Placement classes as were offered to her at school, applied herself, and did well on the AP exams.  Based on the number of courses she took and the scores she received, she was able to fulfill a year’s worth of her college’s requirements. 

Some people may say, “Why rush your life? Enjoy college!” but my daughter quenched all of her thirsts by grasping every opportunity that college life had to offer her.  There isn’t one more experience that she possibly could have had that would justify staying one additional year and paying all that money in tuition and fees.  She won’t be graduating debt-free, but she will be graduating with less debt than necessary.  While she was enduring her excruciatingly challenging time in high school, little did she know that her hard work would pay off in the end. 


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Now You Can Have Your Spinach and Drink it, Too

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Spinach isn’t all that bad, unless it’s in liquid form, right?  I can’t tell you how many times friends have tried to get me to drink their homemade healthy juices and other healthy stuff. 

I love you friends, but what can I say?  Healthy drinks just aren’t for me.  No matter how hard I try, juices always taste like carrots and protein powders always taste like chalk.  No more with the liquid nutrition!  Until now. 

Recently, my cyber-friend Natalie, from Mormon in Manhattan, shared a delicious recipe for a green smoothie.  I didn’t have all of the ingredients that she used on-hand, (I’m unhealthy like that) so I made some adjustments and came up with my own recipe.  It tasted divine…just like a peanut butter milkshake.

My recipe makes a blender-full, which filled two large Solo cups full of deliciousness.  (My obsession with Solo cups deserves a post of its own.)


  • 1-1/2 cups Lactaid-free milk
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of non-fat Greek yogurt
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of natural peanut butter
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed
  • 6 ice cubes (more or less, depending on how cold you like your drinks)
  • heaps of spinach (like 4 cups, maybe?  just fill the blender until you can’t fit any more inside)

Blend away and enjoy!

Do you have a favorite green smoothie recipe to share?  Leave it in the comments section below, or send me an email and you can be a guest blogger for a day.  😉

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