Envelope for a Bulky Card: Template & Tutorial

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If you have a bulky card to mail or to give, sometimes it gets all smashed when you try to stuff it into a regular envelope.  This template is great because it accommodates cards that need extra room

Click HERE for the template.

Tie it with a pretty bow, or add an address label for mailing.


After you print, cut out, and score the envelope, apply adhesive to the areas shown below:

Very easy and fun, too!

Cleveland by way of Ft. Lauderdale

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I have an appointment at Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday.  Luckily, they have specialists that deal with my condition.  Can you please cross your fingers and say prayers for me?

I can’t stand up for more than sixty seconds without leaning on something or sitting down. 

I’ll be seeing an eletrophysiologist.  Whew.  Who knew that specialty even existed?

I’m just thankful that Cleveland Clinic has a location close to home.

The girls are excited that Cleveland Clinic has a location close to Sawgrass, because that means they get to shop and hook up with their Fort Lauderdale friends for the afternoon.

I Take the Doll Thing Very Seriously

Here is Samantha.  Santa gave Samantha to Adrienne for Christmas when Adrienne was in kindergarten.  That was in 1998.  She has held up pretty well for twelve years, hasn’t she?

I decided to spoof up her hair, though, before I set her out with her other doll friends as part of our Christmas decorations.  (Poor Neil.  Surrounded by dolls.  Ha-ha!  Pun intended!) 

Doesn’t she look happy?  I was happy, too, getting them all dressed and ready.  Yes, I’m weird.  But if you’re reading this it means you’re my friend, so what does that make you?!

P.S.  I made Samantha’s Christmas dress.  It looks just like the real thing.  I also made a matching one for Adrienne.  I made Samantha’s pajamas and a matching pair for Adrienne, too.  For Erica, I  made almost all of Molly’s clothes (to match the real things,) Felicity’s Christmas dress and cape, Elizabeth’s Christmas cape, and lots of other stuff, too.  I used to make doll clothes before I found stamping.  In case you were wondering.
P.S.S.:  When I was at the NYC American Girl Place in April, I asked them about the whole hair thing.  You just have to dampen it, brush it with the wire brush, set it in rollers, and let it dry.  The wire brush is for brushing.  If you want to style pieces of hair more intricately, use a toothbrush.
P.S.S.S.:  I can honestly say that we don’t need any more dolls.  If you figure that we started the whole American Girl doll thing in 1998, that’s twelve years times two girls times birthdays and Christmases.  Do the math!  But I love it.  It took us a long time to have kids, so when we finally did (and we had girls!) we did it right.

Christmas Gift Card Envelope: Template

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I love snowflakes!  I really love snowflakes when they are used with blue paper and silver accents.  Today’s template is for a nifty little gift card envelope.  You can download the template HERE.

My new obsession is adding little beads to thin ribbon.  I like the extra blingy look they give.


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Last night Neil and Erica hauled the last of the Christmas decorations down from the attic.  My plan is to go through everything a little bit each day.  I’m going to make one package for each girl and put their favorite ornaments in there for them to have when they get their own trees one day.  (Whew…it would have been much easier for me to just say, “I’m packing up decorations for them to have when they get married,” but that sounds too weird.)  Last year I found some really pretty decorations on clearance after Christmas so I plan on re-doing our tree decorations.  I’m pretty tired of the Disney stuff, anyway.  The girls will be excited and I won’t feel guilty about not using the same ornaments again.  I’m also going to put all of their handmade school decorations in a big Christmas basket.  It’s a way to display them without hanging them on the tree. 
I’m also planning on going all-out with my doll decorations this year.  In addition to the American Girl stuff that I do every year, I’m going to get the Madeline stuff out of storage.  I scored a brand-new Madeline doll (the small Barbie-sized one) at a consignment store today for six bucks…complete with a Christmas tree and a stocking.  I’m on a roll with my Christmas plans!  But we all know what they said about what happens when we plan things…
I just checked online to find a picture of the Madeline set that I bought today, and I see that it is selling for almost $100.  Hmmm….should I change  my plans and sell it?  With the $94 profit I could buy another American Girl doll.  What to do?